The Beginning of the Civil War


The Civil War was a war that took place from the year 1861 to around 1865, and was known as America’s Bloodiest War. It was fought between the United Stated of America, the U.S.A, and the confederate States of America, the C.S.A. The Civil War was fought over the freedom of slaves in the south. Another conflict had started. It was the war over Fort Sumter. Fort Sumter was a small fort built Charleston Harbor. It was the place of the first shots of the Civil War.

The Civil War was started in 1861 by the U.S.A. and the C.S.A, fought over the freedom of the slaves living in the South. It began in the Charleston Harbor on Fort Sumter. The Civil War was started by and attack on Fort Sumter from the Confederate states.

Abraham Lincoln, the President of the United States at that time, was very weak on the situation of slavery. He really didn’t get involved in the arguments. He didn’t take a strong stand on slavery, but he was greatly against it. But he wouldn’t accept his defeat on Fort Sumter. He called for 75,000 volunteers to join his army against the confederacy.

Many states had joined the confederacy, a total of eleven states. Those states where South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee, and North Carolina. Four of those states joined during the attack of Fort Sumter and Abraham Lincoln’s call for volunteers. Those four states where Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee, and North Carolina. Later, there was conflict within the confederacy. A few of the stated were beginning to secede from the Union. The first of the states to secede was South Carolina in the year 1860.

The man who was named as President of the Confederate States of America was Jefferson Davis. He was the first President of the C.S.A. His first action as president was to raise a 100,000 man army to protect the states. The army was finished just in time for the Fort Sumter war. The war ended not long after it started, lasting only 34 hours.

The Civil War and the battle of Fort Sumter was a large part of American history. It was a war between the Confederate States and the United States. It was fought to free the people from slavery in the South. President Abraham Lincoln raised an army that won that battle, helping the slaves gain freedom.

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