Does Remaining Impartial Improve Decision Making?


Do people make significantly wiser decisions, discoveries, and observations if they remain neutral and impartial? Just as many newspaper reporters have observed, the idea of objectivity as a guiding principle is too valuable to be abandoned. Objectivity means to observe and report on something from a truly unbiased position. The skill of objectivity is lacking in our society today.

Objectivity means to observe and report on something from a truly unbiased position. Even scientists haven’t obtained objectivity. This is the same with absolute truth. Everyone agrees that objectivity is valuable and necessary as a guiding principal, and without it, knowledge would be utterly useless. The idea of objectivity shouldn’t be abandoned.

Reporters and scientists both agree that objectivity is something that they lack. They continue to bring their personal opinions into their articles and experiments. For example, if a police officer witnessed a black truck crash into a blue SUV, he might come to the conclusion that all black truck drivers are maniacs. Later, he sees another crash involving a black truck and an orange buggy, and automatically believes that the crash was a result of the wild truck driver. Upon later research, he finds out that it was actually the BW Beatle that caused the crash. He will still think that the reckless truck driver had something to do with it. Personal opinion clouds the impartial judgment. So even when evidence points the other way, it is very difficult to remain impartial.

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